What Is the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath? | Legal Definition

What is the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath

As a law enthusiast, I`ve always found the legal term for lying under oath to be a fascinating and important topic. In the legal world, there is a specific term for this act, and understanding it can provide valuable insight into the consequences of dishonesty in a court of law.

The Legal Term: Perjury

The legal term for lying under oath is perjury. Is the act of lying or false while under oath in a legal proceeding. This can occur during a trial, deposition, or any other situation where an individual is required to provide truthful testimony.

Consequences of Perjury

Perjury is a offense and result in consequences. In the United States, perjury is considered a felony and can lead to fines, imprisonment, or both. According to the United Sentencing Commission, average for perjury in federal courts is 16 months.

Case Studies

Looking at some high-profile cases involving perjury can shed light on the gravity of this offense. One case is that of President Bill Clinton, who impeachment for perjury during a related to his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Case Outcome
Bill Impeachment Acquitted by the Senate on perjury and obstruction of justice charges

Statistical Insights

Examining related to perjury can provide an of its in the legal system. According to the National Center State Courts, perjury is the common forms of misconduct, with over 4,000 cases of perjury in the States between 2005 2015.

Understanding the legal term for lying under oath, or perjury, is crucial for anyone involved in legal proceedings. The potential of committing perjury the importance of and in the legal system. By aware of the term and implications, can appreciate the of providing testimony in a court of law.


Legal Contract: Perjury – What What is the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath

In legal proceedings, the act of lying under oath has serious consequences. This contract outlines the legal term for lying under oath, known as perjury, and the resulting penalties.

Contract Details

This contract is entered into and effective as of the date of signing, by and between the parties involved in a legal case or proceeding. The purpose of this contract is to establish the legal term for lying under oath and the consequences of committing perjury.


Perjury is the act of knowingly providing false information or lying under oath in a court of law or in a legal proceeding. Action is considered a offense and is by law.

Perjury is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of the legal system and can lead to miscarriages of justice. Is for involved in legal to the of committing perjury and potential consequences.

Legal Consequences

Individuals found guilty of perjury may face penalties including fines, imprisonment, or both. The of the consequences depends on the and the of the perjury committed.

Furthermore, individuals found guilty of perjury may face civil liability for the harm caused by their false testimony. Can result in legal financial repercussions.


In perjury What is the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath in a court of law or in a legal proceeding. Is a offense with legal consequences. All involved in legal should be of the of committing perjury and potential they face.


Exploring the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath

Question Answer
1. What What is the legal term for lying under oath? Perjury What is the Legal Term for Lying Under Oath. It is considered a serious offense in the court of law.
2. Can a person be charged with perjury for lying in a civil case? Yes, perjury can be charged in both criminal and civil cases. False made under oath is perjury.
3. What are the potential consequences of committing perjury? Committing perjury can result in fines, imprisonment, and damage to one`s credibility. It can also lead to the dismissal of a case or the overturning of a verdict.
4. How is perjury different from making a false statement? Perjury specifically refers to lying under oath, while making a false statement can occur in various contexts. Perjury is a more serious offense due to the legal implications of lying in a court setting.
5. What is the burden of proof in a perjury case? The burden of proof in a perjury case lies with the prosecution. Must that the individual and made a false statement under oath.
6. Are there any defenses against a perjury charge? One defense a perjury charge is that the false was a mistake rather than a lie. The success of this depends on the of the case.
7. Can perjury be committed outside of a courtroom? Yes, perjury can in settings where an is to give testimony or make a under penalty of perjury, as in or official documents.
8. What role does intent play in a perjury case? Intent is a factor in perjury. The must that the individual and gave false while under oath.
9. Can a witness be charged with perjury for recanting their testimony? If a witness their testimony and is to be false, can be with perjury. The process for this can be and on the of the case.
10. How can individuals avoid unintentionally committing perjury? Individuals can avoid committing perjury by considering their before sworn testimony. Is to be and in all legal proceedings.